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Sexo y Pareja

OMG! Pareja pierde 180 kilos juntos y lo comparten en Instagram (+FOTOS)

Fuente: Redacción Fusión Radio MX / El Debate     Fecha: 12 de diciembre 2017, 11:01 AM

OMG! Pareja pierde 180 kilos juntos y lo comparten en Instagram (+FOTOS)

Lexi y Danny Reed de Terre Haute, Indiana, han perdido juntos un total de 180 kilos en dos años.

Lo que inició como un propósito de Año Nuevo, se convirtió en el comienzo de un nuevo estilo de vida, uno más saludable y feliz. 

La pareja ha documentado su inspiradora historia en una cuenta de Instagram llamada @fatgirlfedup, donde cuentan con más de 463 mil seguidores.


#motivationmonday -394lbs ?? combined since we set a New Years Resolution 1/1/2016. We were fedup with spending or nights sitting on the couch binge watching Netflix and mindlessly eating. Our bestfriend challenged us to the first 30 days of no eating out, no cheat meals, no alcohol or soda, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week. We took the challenge, completed it 100%, and that first month of our journey our lives changed. We realized it wasn't a diet, but a lifestyle change. We focused on small changes and they added up to big results. We focused on each day instead of how far we had to go. Instead of eating out like we did daily we meal prepped, learned daily about nutrition labels/cooking, ans we also took the foods we loved and made healthy versions. This helped us not feel deprived and control temptations. We also fell in love with taking care of ourselves and our new life together. This journey helped bring us closer together and stronger than ever. Dont wait for the New Year to change like we did - start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitfam #fitness #dietbet #fattofit #gym #obesetobeast #fattofit #swolemate #couplegoals #relationshipgoals #fitnessmotivation #fitlove #fitcouple #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #health #diet #losingweight #extremeweightloss #transformation #weightlosstransformation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #goals #motivation

Una publicación compartida por Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) el


"Hacer esto como pareja nos ha ayudado de muchas maneras. En los días en que no estábamos motivados, nos insistíamos mutuamente para ir al gimnasio. También comenzamos a preparar las comidas juntos, estableciendo objetivos, y día a día o kilo por kilo crecimos más cerca a lo largo de nuestro viaje".

Al inicio del proceso, Lexi Reed pesaba 220 kilos y ahora pesa 82, mientras que Danny Reed pasó de 127 kilos a 86. 



At 485lbs I was the girl that hid behind the camera or made a funny face. I was the girl that hid in all black clothing at the gym to look smaller and so others couldn't see how much I sweat. I was the girl who hid in the bathroom at the gym to take selfies when there were too many people. I was the girl that hid behind many things in life to avoid standing out or being heard. Not because I didnt love myself or my body but because i was always the shy quiet girl that avoided being the center of attention. Not anymore. I was a prisoner in my own body & living as a slave to food for 25 years. I know now I was born to stand out, be heard, and change lives. Losing 303lbs not only saved my life, but the journey helped make me who I am today. 2017 isnt over yet & it's never too late to be the best version of yourself. Start TODAY! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dietbet starts TODAY but you can join us for 14 days after! Thanksgiving is over - dont let Thanksgiving stop your goals! LAST DIETBET OF 2017 STARTS IN LESS THAN 1 WEEK! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, lulagems.com $100 wardrobe, @proteinmilkshake protein, & get paid! Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #swolemate #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit #gym #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

Una publicación compartida por Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) el



#throwbackthursday to the same couple. Same gym. Same love, but deeper. Last year we weighed a combined total of 765lbs, now we weigh a total of 372lbs. We were fedup with living a life on our couch. We spent many nights mindlessly eating & watching Netflix. When we started dating we got comfortable and put our health last. As we both put on the weight we realized if we kept going in the same direction one day I wasnt going to be able to have a healthy pregnancy. We realized we wouldnt grow old together. We realized the life we were missing out on and that many activities couples enjoyed - we couldn't. This journey has been far from easy, but the life that we've gained has been worth it. @dannyreed5 has been my soulmate since I was 16 & now my #swolemate. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher & who see the greatness in you, even when you dont see it yourself! #weightlosstransformation #dietbet #fit #fitness #gym #workout #2aday #weightloss #goals #fitfam #fitspo #anytimefitness #workout #exercise #swolemate #fitnessmotivation #fitcouple #couplegoals #relationshipgoals #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fatgirlfedup #fedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #gymlife #fattofit #obesetobeast #extremeweightloss #transformation

Una publicación compartida por Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) el


Sin entrenadores profesionales pero con una gran motivación y unión, la pareja disfrutó de sus rigurosos entrenamientos, y nuevos hábitos de alimentación en su viaje de pérdida de peso.

"La parte más difícil de nuestro viaje fue cambiar nuestra relación con la comida", dijo la chica. "Cuando tenía 220 kilos, nunca cocinaba. Mi esposo y yo salíamos a comer casi todas las comidas y si cocinamos en casa, era pizza congelada o cualquier otra cosa no saludable", compartió Lexi.



Sundays are for prepping for a busy healthy week! @discoveringdanny & I went to Kroger & are ready to reach our goals! We will be prepping grilled chicken to have in salads, spaghetti squash, with veggies, and more! Yes the family pack of eggs is for us & we will go through it in less than 2 weeks. ?? We also found lots of seasonings for $1 so we stocked up! By being prepared for the week it will help us make healthy decisions on the go and keep us from grabbing the wrong things. We try to eat higher protein & less carbs but are trying to eat less processed this week where we can & already had tortillas at home. Have a good day everyone! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fattofit #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #fit #fitfam #fattofit #obesetobeast #diet #lowcarb #kroger #countingcalories #haul #groceryhaul #fiitnessmotivation #health #weekend #healthylifestyle #protein #gains #muscles #groceryhaul #shopping

Una publicación compartida por Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) el


"Descubrimos que al preparar las comidas en lugar de depender de la comida rápida, pudimos mantener nuestras metas cuando estábamos en el trabajo. Y al aprender a cocinar nuestros propios alimentos, estábamos a cargo de lo que estábamos comiendo. Estábamos dispuestos a aprender todos los días de nuestro viaje y también comenzamos a usar el gimnasio como terapia en lugar de comida. Al cambiar nuestras mentes, hábitos y desencadenantes emocionales, cambiamos nuestras vidas".

"Nunca esperé tener un impacto tan grande", dijo Lexi, "solo quería estar saludable".



#swolematesunday -394??lbs since 1/1/16! This man has stuck by my side through thick & thin. @discoveringdanny has loved me no matter my size and never asked me to change. He treats me the same way at 179lbs that he treated me at 485lbs. When we got married we made vows to low eachother for better for worse through sickness and in health until death do us part. ? We meant those words and we are so happy for this new life we are living. Don't wait until the New Year to change like we did - start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #gym #workout #fitfam #fitspo #fitnesssmotivation #goals #healthylifestyle #diet #fitness #love #couplegoals #relationshipgoals #diet #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fattofit #fedupfam #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #losingweight #transformation

Una publicación compartida por Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) el



#throwbackthursday to 485lbs & @discoveringdanny proposing to me at sunset on Clearwater Beach. He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel as anything other than beautiful. He treated me the same way at 485lbs that he does at 182lbs. Love doesn't have a size or weight limit. He saw the person I was on the inside and supported me while I made that person on the side match my outside. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher and see the greatness in you even when you dont see it yourself! ? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fatgirlfedupdietbet #love #florida #clearwaterbeach #sunset #fitspire #fitcouple #relationshipgoals #couplegoals #fattofit #obesetobeast #beastmode #fitfam #fitspo #inspire #motivation #fitnessmotivation #gym #wedding #engagement #transform #fitspo #diet #extremeweightloss #transformation

Una publicación compartida por Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) el


El caso no solo ha sorprendido a sus seguidores en redes sociales, pues también ha dejado boquiabiertos a los expertos en acondicionamiento físico, quienes dicen que la clave del éxito es tener a alguien más en quien apoyarse.

"Un compañero de entrenamiento es la clave. La responsabilidad es todo", dijo el famoso entrenador de fitness Latreal Mitchell. "No todos los días vas a querer salir y dar lo mejor de ti". Al menos tendrás a alguien que diga, 'Vamos. Hoy es mi día para elevarte y viceversa'".

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